Saturday, September 25, 2010

Say What Recycled X-mas Napkin Rings? Sign Me Up!

If you love to craft/make art/whatever you feel most comfortable calling your creative process that results in the possession of some physical, tangible object, you, dear reader, need to get your little behind over to (and the blog Craft Gossip). Both sites will fill your head with more ideas and inspiration than you'll ever have the time to fully deal with and that, my friend, is an awesome thing.

Should you be a celebrator of Christmas, or perhaps, want to make Christmas crafts even though the holiday doesn't really exist in your world, then the Christmas Projects at are just what you need.  Many of them are even simple enough for you to work on with your kids (you decide how old is old enough to start the mad crafting). [There's also a small collection of "Christmas crafts for Kids."]

oh yes, the napkin rings!
I don't normally do much Christmas crafting in particular--though I do craft most of my Christmas gifts to others so, perhaps that statement's not entirely true. But, I do so love anything I can make using upcycled, recycled or re-purposed materials. And, for that reason, I love the Upcycled Napkin Rings project at

Essentially, the tutorial provides you with all of the information (including a proposed materials list) that you would need to make some creative and cool Christmas-themed napkin rings on the cheap by using recycled, upcycled, and repurposed materials that include toilet paper tubes, old ornaments and so much more.

Of course, you can also check out this project for inspiration to make just about any kind of recycled napkin rings! Why limit yourself to ones that will be used, at most, for two days (the eve and the day) out of the year?

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